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Update 1.3

Update Now in App Store


* New String and Ball Background
* Miscellaneous Optimizations

Our intent to add an object or two has been pushed to the next update.

We were very unhappy with that string and ball background so decided to push out an update.


Update 1.2

1.2 Update Approved 10/11/11

RIP Steve Jobs.

Aesthetic Changes:

  • Changed icon
  • Changed Main Menu Background
  • Changed Spider Background
  • Changed Mouse Background
  • Changed foil ball Background
  • Changed Website icon
  • Changed Twitter icon
  • Changed Facebook icon

Gameplay Changes:

  • Changed the return to Main Menu Action (Tap the two orange cats simultaneously to return to the Main Menu)
  • Sped up the Laser
  • Changed Spiders sizes

Next Update Plans:

  • We plan on changing the background for the ball and string level.
  • Art changes will begin on the game objects. TBD which ones we will start with.
  • 1-2 new objects for cats to play with.
  • Optimizations for better performance and smaller download size.



Update 1.1

Point Release (Minor Cleanups)

  • Added support for 3.2 iOS so should be no issues for people using that iOS version on their iPad
  • Adjusted mouse size and speed
  • Enlarged spiders.
  • Changed background of laser and foil ball levels to black.
  • Added a link to this page in the Cat Games App so you can be informed of what we have planned in the future for Cat Games and to get info of when we submit updates to Apple for Review.
  • Update in App Store 09/02/11.

*** Big Monk Games will be on Vacation from 9/3/11 to 9/12/11. Please note we will still be checking our support email during this time. To contact us go to the contact page. Please check your email spam folder for our response. We are very determined to always get back to our customers.

Future planned updates we hope to improve the aesthetic of "Cat Games". We also plan on making the objects more attractive to cats as well as adding more objects. This work will begin 9/13/11.

Thank you for your purchase of Cat Games for iPad.

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