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Cat Games 3D for Cats And Kittens now available!!! Free Download


Our new site dedicated to our Cat Games for iPad

  Check out where we will be having all of the news and info for all of our Cat Games for iPad products as well as our upcoming game which we are extremely excited about.

A video posted by @bigmonkgames on


Purrrfect Sleep for iPhone and iPad

iTunes Link

Use the power of the cat purr to help relax, meditate, nap, or sleep.

Have you ever observed a cat sleeping and found yourself jealous of their anxiety free lifestyle? Well, you are not alone and this is the app for you. Use the Purrrfect Sleep App when you have quiet time, would like to take a nap, are stuck in gridlock traffic, or trying to get a nice deep and restful night sleep. All this without the cat hair, dander, and potential fleas. Purrrfect Sleep is also great for you cat lovers that are traveling or just don't have your furry friend.

I created Purrrfect Sleep when I noticed that my wife, who has General Anxiety Disorder and Insomnia fell asleep like a rock when our cat Ted climbed up on her chest, curled up under her neck fell asleep and purred away. 

Soothing rhythmic cat purring is well known for it´s remarkable therapeutic effect and natural pain relief.

Insomnia has increased in adults as our lives have been more demanding and stressful. Relax and let all your stress purr away.

The purring sound in Purrrfect Sleep gives a stress free atmosphere, soothes and calm your baby to sleep without the potential negative effects of a cat being present with a newborn.

Insomnia can have a negative impact on your health both mentally and physically, and can lower your quality of life.

Cat naps are now an equal opportunity with Purrrfect Sleep


String Toys now available

Try our newest iPad game for cats. "String Toys"



Cat Games 2.0 is/has been available

2.0 is out and will be the last update to Cat Games but we do plan to create new and improved games for cats for your iPad.


Go get the 2.0 update:


Includes a new bird toy