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Help Rupert have a better quality of life in his senior years


For iPad users or people with Flash disabled here is the Link to help Rupert http://www.gofundme.com/5p79q8

If you are short on extra money but would like to help, we at Big Monk Games will donate $0.20 for every sale of Cat Games for iPad between December 16th - December 25th to Rupert's cause.


Cat Games 1.7 Update is available in the App Store

Go get the Update

Sound fix that was effecting iOS 7 users. 
2 new levels. 
Game recreated from the ground up. 


Cavorite 3



 Our friends at Cascadia Games  who have helped us with our iOS 7 games sound issue (updates coming) have released their latest game. Cavorite 3 for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. It's a great platformer game in the style of a 2d Mario game.


Buy Here




Dr. Cavor is back! Or has he ever left? Upon fueling his space vessel and preparing for the long journey home, Dr. Cavor hears a cry for help from deep within the moon's nefarious core! This time he sets out to rescue all other captives and destroy the Selenite subsurface empire once and for all. Will genius triumph? Or will the long duration away from Earth result in madness?




63 all-new puzzling levels


3 unique worlds and boss battles


Over 130 Game Center achievements


Precise, smooth controls


Retro 16-bit era graphics


Chiptune soundtrack





The original Cavorite was called a “classic” and a “top ten best platformer” for iPhone. Cavorite 2 appeared in Wired's 2012 App Guide. Both games have received features from Apple such as Hot New Game, Staff Favorite, and more.


Cavorite 3 continues the winning blend of puzzler and platformer -- with a few improvements over the first two. “We wanted to make the game different without losing the series' identity,” said Katie Jorgensen, Cavorite 2’s Lead Level Designer. “It's a faster paced, more rewarding game. There's more to collect and more to do.”


Cavorite 3 comes packed with new features, including drains and spigots, poisonous water, anti-cavorite gas, super jumps, multiple new alien enemies, and more.


Cavorite 3 is available now for $1.99 in the App Store and is universally compatible with all Game Center enabled iOS devices.




To our iPhone and iPad app customers.

We are aware that iOS 7 has broken the sound effects in our products. Background music if the app has it seems to still work. We are investigating the issue and hope to have it resolved as quickly as possible. We are sorry for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding while we try to fix the issue.


What we are up to now that we have moved...


We are now Leap Motion Controller Developers.                                                     








 Example game that Garagegames.com made using Torque 3D and the Leap Motion controller. (The same technologies we are using)


We are also working on another iPad game. (More on that later)

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