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Thoughts on iPad as a developer.

This is based on the announcement. I have yet to download the new SDK.



  • New Platform but will be easy to port from iPhone/iTouch.
  • Wireless without having to get yet another internet access bill.
  • Big enough to display media in high detail yet light and mobile.
  • Very slick and sexy.
  • $499 starting price point.



  • AT&T 3G service? Come on... Biggest complaint is we are stuck with one provider. At least was compromised with fair prices.
  • No Camera. Seems like this would have been perfect to be able to skype or some kind of video conferencing.
  • Not certain this will be as huge as I think/hope it can be. I'm not a consumer buying analyst.
  • Apple's potential continued vagueness on what will qualify an app to be put on the App Store.


Overall I'm excited to see if this can be a "Gold Rush" 2.0 for App developers. Particularly game developers as well as other media creators. I think for the little guy we can't lose either way. If the thing only sells OK then the big guys may be less likely to invest heavily and us little guys can have the market to ourselves. If it sells like gang-busters, we have a huge user base to tap in to.



Torque Game Builder

Been playing around with Torque Game Builder again. I love how quick you can get something working, even though I have very little experience with TGB. Of all the Development I have done using Torque Projects, TGB probably only takes up 5%. Spurring on ideas of simple iphone games.


"Skee Alley" Play Test is ready for Download.


This is a version of "Skee Alley" we are releasing for free in order to get feedback from everyone. This is Windows only and will likely stay that way. We plan on supporting Mac with the final Demo and Final Release so don't worry all you Apple Fans.

When exiting the game, "Skee Alley" will open your web browser and bring you to a survey. Please fill it out once in order fo us to get the feedback needed to make the game experience as good as possible.

Don't forget to try it with a wired USB Xbox 360 controller if you have one. "Skee Alley" is rumble capable. ;)

Minimum Requirements:

Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 Intel or AMD Processor @ 1 Ghz

256 MB RAM (1GM recommended for Vista)

100% DirectX compatible video card with 128 MB video RAM required

DirectX 9.0c or higher and March 2009 update for any version

Download DirectX March 2009


New Videos and Screenshots of "Skee Alley"

See the new videos and screenshots of Skee Alley in action. See all three areas that you will bw able to play, including, Arcade, Bar/Pub, and Carnival.

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